This just in: Bernalillo County Tax Assessor plans to roll back property values for homes sold since 2002 to save tax payers thousands of dollars in the future. My friend, Stephanie Dzur, got this ball rolling when she brought a lawsuit against the Assessor claiming that increasing taxes of buyers with no limits versus 3% annual increase limits on others was unconstitutional. She won and then another taxpayer won with a different judge and just as Stephanie, an attorney, is collecting hundreds of taxpayers to file another lawsuit, the Assessor acts. Apparently, she doesn't want all those lawsuits and does see that the law is unlawful so is reversing it. It remains to be seen what the State will do and my other friend, Rick Homans who heads up the State's Tax and Revenue Dept. seems to be processing all this. The implications of the loss of revenue in the county and for the State is significant so this is a real catch-22 situation. Way to go, Stephanie.
Labels: Albuquerque, assessed tax, judy pierson, New Mexico, real estate, realtor, tax increases, tax lightning
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