Garden To-Do List
With the nice weather this last week, weren't you tempted to go and buy flowers to plant? After that freeze we had, we are all ready for Spring! But last night it dropped again below freezing so what can we really do to get ready for Spring? For one, we can water once a week. Next we can do a final cleanup on our garden beds and replant any volunteer seedlings that are shooting up. It's so nice to see the green shoots coming up through the winter dead plants. We can amend the soil especially with iron. Personally, I need to fillin the holes my dog dug burying bones in the winter lawn. I keep her off the lawn in the Spring & Summer. She won't be happy but Huskies dig.
Speaking of lawn, the Journal had a good article today about not powerraking to remove thatch. Instead, to aerate by making plugs and leaving them on the lawn. In Africa, we teach our villagers to do the same thing. Maintain the ground cover and make sure the soil surface is broken so that air and water and nutrients can enter. Same principles work here.
Soon we can break out the lawn chairs and barBQ!
Labels: Albuquerque, garden, home sales, homes, judypierson, lawn, New Mexico, real estate, realtor
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