Albuquerque Ranked 13 of Top Fifty US Cities!
Albuquerque was listed 15th among America's 50 Best Cities according to a Businessweek story. Boston was 16 and New York was 14. We were higher than Phoenix (of course!) which ranked 49 and Denver which ranked 27. To quote the article, "With the Rio Grande running through and the Sandia Mountains to the east, New Mexico's largest city is a picturesque and sunny place to live. The schools are great, unemployment is low and there are lots of park acres per person." The ranking is based on various metrics of quality of life, such as number of restaurants, museums per capita; number of colleges, libraries and professional sports teams; the income, pverty, crime and foreclosure rates; percentage of population with higher degrees and air quality.
As a real estate agent, I get a snapshot every day of why people want to move here and why people love it here. The standard reason for loving ABQ is the weather (no we are not HOT like Phoenix) and the frienliness of people. The weather encourages lots of outdoor activities. The main reasons for moving here are for retirement or job transfer. Right now we are busy with both types of buyers. Plus a rush of buyers who are in their twenties, married or not. Wish I had been that smart in my twenties! They are getting rates in the low "4's" so that's an incredible deal.
Call me if you want more information or a consultation about buying or selling here in the top ranked City.
Labels: Albuquerque, home sales, homes, judy pierson, New Mexico, NM homes, real estate, realtor